![RAMMS at Thuasne USA - Image RAMMS at Thuasne USA - Image](https://www.thuasneusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/RAMMS2020_0009_Layer-6-scaled.jpg)
Thuasne USA joins runners from around the world in support of Run a Myelin My Shoes (RAMMS) and SpryStep Ambassador Cheryl Hile. The run took place Friday, November 6th in Bakersfield, CA with over 80 employees lacing up their shoes and hitting the streets.
The event, which featured a 5K run and 1-mile walk, was part of a worldwide effort to support the RAMMS team and raise awareness about multiple sclerosis.
RAMMS founder, Cheryle Hile, is a marathon runner and has been living with MS for nearly a decade. She wears a SpryStep Vector AFO while she runs to manage her foot drop. Hile worked with Hanger Clinics and Thuasne USA to develop the device she wears and through that partnership the SpryStep Flex AFO was created. For Thuasne USA, hosting an event in Bakersfield in 2020 just made sense.
“This is a really great way to get our team out there, supporting our good friend Cheryl and a cause she is so passionate about.” says John Martin, VP of Marketing/Research and Development at Thuasne USA. “We haven’t been able to hold an employee event this year because of COVID-19, but this gave us an opportunity to get together in a safe way and do something fun and positive.”