As we approach the end of 2024, high demand for custom items is expected as patients meet deductibles, and customers work to get their final orders submitted to Thuasne USA.
Orders received before the dates below, will be shipped in 2024:
- SpryStep® Vector KAFO – November 15th
- SpryStep® Vector AFO – December 2nd
- SpryStep® Custom AFO – December 2nd
- SpryStep® KO – December 2nd
- Rebel Custom – December 16th
- Rebel 3D – December 17th
All orders must arrive with complete order forms, purchase order numbers and shape capture (scan or cast). If any of these is not available by the dates listed above, or an order must be placed on hold, we cannot guarantee delivery in 2024.
Please reference and share this information as you and your customers build end-of-year orders and schedules.
Thuasne USA will be closed on November 28th and 29th, and December 24th and 25th for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays