Vector 2
Recommended for: Fracture & Dislocation / Tenolysis / Capsulotomy / Crush Injury / Tendon & Ligament Repair / Burn / Degloving / CRPS / Closed Manipulation / Other Orthopedic and Neurological Conditions
Feature Benefit
- Intuitive touch screen interface allows patient and provider to quickly adjust the device to address clinical presentation.
- Force gradable to accommodate the rehabilitation continuum
- Donning and doffing ease provided by unique glove system
- Range of motion beyond anatomical norm to overcome soft
tissue and mechanical give - Lithium Iron Phosphate battery pack provides 8 hours of portable ROM treatment.
- Malleable finger springs to accommodate various
ROM considerations - Moveable finger plates allow joint isolation and safe treatment
- Fully programmable hand controller with compliance meter
- Capable of thumb adduction/abduction