Paris Bound!

Paris Bound! - Image

These three athletes are Paris bound and are about to be compete on the world’s biggest stage! They have trained, overcome obstacles, and now have their eyes on the gold. We at Thuasne USA can’t wait to cheer you on over the next two weeks! Go Team USA!


Dennis Connors – Para Cycling

Beaverton, Oregon

Instagram: @dc_rides_trikes

Paralymic DennisConnors SocialPost WithFrame 300x300 Paris Bound!


Taylor Michelle Winnett – Para Swimming 

Colorado Springs, CO


Paralymic TaylorMichelleWinnett SocialPost WithFrame 2 300x300 Paris Bound!

Rachel Watts – Para Triathlon 

Overland Park, KS


Paralymic RachelWatts SocialPost WithFrame 2 300x300 Paris Bound!